Do I start to write here again, will you read it? The blow up of spaces like Instagram and TikTok is a huge push in the direction of quick watch. Is blogging DEAD? I remember when studying journalism in 2005, we were told print journalism is dead, blogging was the way forward, but do people actually read anymore, and do I have enough to say to be consistent and put out regular content.
I swear I ask this question every few years!😅
I am ever growing, ever questioning and ever analysing. It is who I am and will always be. My ramblings may die away in the deep dark corners of the internet or.... there is a record of my life, in part accessible for all time, or at least until the next phase of the earth where all changes and the internet is relegated to an urban myth.
So.... an update, for those who are mildly interested in seeing inside some strangers brain and life for a moment.
Half of the boys are now men. Sal is 27 almost 28, in fact I've been saying he is 28 for the past 6 months and was totally convinced that he was. Does anyone else, rising 50, have this affliction? He takes total offence (of course, I'm sure the requirement of our children is to be offended by EVERYTHING) in my adding a year closer to 30, but not as much as when I forget his name and call him every siblings name until I get it right! Now that I KNOW happens to everyone!
Louie is now a 19 year old not so 'mini' fashionisto, producer, actor, model, internet journalist and academic. This is all information I receive through the wall when he is talking to work or friends, as most of our actual communication is done through between the teeth grunts, I'm often treated like a whistleblower and all juicy information comes to me after it is public to all. Sorry no scoops here.
Alexander is 13 in a months time. Teen years have never been particularly kind to me and I am bracing myself for what is bound to be a rollercoaster ride. Alexander has been managing what we suspect to be Autism. Social & Emotional support is being provided through various means, we will talk about this further in the near future should you wish to return and read our story. He is an avid sailor and all round natural sportsman, as well as being academically bright and an avid reader. When he's through the teen years, we may actual like him!
Zach is a bold, loud (hasn't he always been?!) 9 year old. A great story teller and creator of comics, his animations are wonderful and engaging, I wish he would know that and stop throwing them away when he thinks he's not good enough. Funny, sporty and passionate about food, we shall share the many restaurants he visits and review his and my thoughts. His last choice of eatery was The Ivy Canary Wharf followed by mocktails, so I assure you, you are in for a treat!
So now the initial shine is off of the (former) 'Vodafone family'. Lets begin.
We are still a family that eat together around our dinning table in a room that has changed so dramatically since we began this blog you would think we lived somewhere completely different. We are often joined by our wider family, inlaws, parents, grandparents, cousins and friends. Our home is a madhouse that is welcome to all, including you through these pages.
My personal journey has been one of self discovery, healing and growth. Tears, rages, laughter and euphoria. My marriage has bounced from rock bottom, to the top of the world to meh' and repeat. At the core is love. My parenting skills have felt inadequate and at times tone deaf, frustrating and doused with a feeling of giving up. At the core is love, I will never give up.
With three years to 50 ( I tell people I'm already 50, I must admit I love the whole 'You don't look it at all!'. Yes yes, shallow I know) I am peri-menopausal, and, managing a recent finding that my kidneys are damaged and performing well below the expected norm, oh and my eyebrows are not growing!
However, it has been and is a most beautiful time in my life and I choose to focus on how fortunate I am to be living a life my childhood dreams predicted....
Shall we talk more, as there is so much more to share. It's not your pretty picture filled Instagram feed, or your glossy magazine. It is just me, my life and moments shared (some with permission from my children & husband). I guess as it always has been. And if I am gone for a while, forgive me, love me and look at this as a book that you can refer to time and time again when you need a semi-interesting escape from the world as you know it.
Even if you use me to remind yourself that we all go through something, regardless of how pretty it looks from the outside and that it's completely normal and OK, I hope you will return.
Insert gratuitous, Instagrammable recent'ish' pics of our family
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