When I first saw Sudocrem Sunscreen Mousse on the shelves at my local Tesco, I immediately felt at home. It can be so difficult choosing the right sunscreen amongst the rows of brands on offer. You need to think about the correct sun factor, is it also suitable for babies under 2 years, is it water proof, does it have a repellent, is it non sticky and non-smelly? The questions go on and on so seeing a brand that has been a life saver of mine for years, even before motherhood, was an instant relief.
Whilst at the store I tried a little of the mousse on my hand and was instantly impressed with how smoothly it went on, how easily it absorbed and how soft my skin felt after. Passing me in the aisles must have truly been something as I was humming, cooing and mumbling to myself whilst rubbing the back of my hand. 'SOLD'! I purchased 6 bottles.
At home I had a couple of bottles of Garnier Kids which I also packed as a precaution, it's a brand I've used before, but it has a luminous colour which looks super strange on black skin let alone tanned black skin, my eldest boys are a chocolate brown before tan, with the Garnier on tanned skin they look almost purple, or blurple as I call them, a new colour, black purple! Great if you are a Ribena berry, but not so great for my boys.
One of my favs from Polarn o Pyret |
The sun rays in Barbados are very strong so it is always best to stay out of direct sunlight between 11am and 1pm. It is a rule I pay close attention to. My in laws live 2mins from the beach which is fantastic, but also means there is a lot of salt in the air, salt can make the skin tan quicker, therefore burning it, protection by the way of light, loose fitting, long sleeved tops and trousers with a sun hat are a must in high heat.
I gave the children a bottle of Sudocrem sunscreen mousse each so they could help to protect themselves. The dispenser was easy to use but it over dispensed the amount of product with every pump. It started to look as though the boys had been to a foam party, it was everywhere. They got some in their eyes, up the nose, on all the bedding and their clothes. It was kinda of funny; the first time. After that it became tiring. Rubbing forever and ending up with super slippery and shiny kids. Could we stand out as tourists much!
I then took control and my husband and I set about creaming them all. Between us we worked out the right 'softness' of touch, which wasn't easy, I think it should be a new challenge on the game show 'The Cube'!
With all the excitement, I had forgotten to give him a sand scrub. Something I've practised for years but had never done for Louie as I felt his skin too young and delicate before. I had planned to try it on him on the first day but forgot. It is something I recommend to everyone for a beautiful even tan.
Quick Tip
"Just grab handfuls of sand from the beach and rub in soft circular motions every part of your body.
You are getting rid of old dead skin cells that would have burnt off and peeled any way, you are making your skin beautifully soft and encouraging a long lasting, deep and even tan. When I finish I go for a dip in the sea, washing it all off. Done once a week, this has always given me beautiful results, and it's free! You could also take advantage of one of Barbados' many Spa's if you're worried about looking like the sandman!"
After giving Louie the sand scrub his skin appeared to be much better and held in moisture a lot more effectively. He did have to apply cream and sunscreen more often and he got very dark, very quick. We also added a layer of Garnier kids which we allowed him to apply himself; even though he looked 'blurple' the spray was less messy to use and you could see clearly if any bits were missed, one of the other down sides were that it was very sticky, but his tan evened out and the peeling stopped.
Overall only Louie peeled and we have all returned with beautiful tans, baby included, this is a true first, we've all peeled to some degree in the past, bearing in mind the youngest two and I had a full month. Once you get the hang of the dispensing method Sudocrems Sunscreen mousse comes on top for me. Who wants to add sticky and luminous to hot and sweaty. Not me! Sudocrem absorbs beautifully and protects well the designers at Sudocrem just need to work on the dispensing method.
You can purchase Sudocrem Sunscreen Mousse from Tesco, Boots and Amazon it retails at around £14. I was lucky to get it on Tesco offer of half price and found it in the baby aisle not the sunscreen section. www.sudocrem.co.uk/
Garnier Ambre Solaire kids can be found at all leading supermarkets and pharmacists at a RRP of around £16. www.garnier.co.uk/
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Tomboy -x-
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