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Monday, February 10

The Whittakers' in Barbados 2019/20

Its been almost two months that we embarked on our first trip back to Barbados since our last trip almost 7 years ago.  The youngest two boys are now 11 and 7 so have very little memory of the time they were here last.  The 17 year old looking forward to a completely different experience, one of complete freedom and independence.
They were excited, curious and looking forward to the unexpected.  We stayed in Barbados for the Christmas and New Year, an experience none of them will find easy to forget.

One question I was asked prior to our departure by an adult who had never been to Barbados was, 

'Will it snow at Christmas?'
The answer is quite simply no.

I've heard all the digs about Barbados being little England.  If that's why you choose to go there, you will be most disappointed.  The British weather, all aspects of it, remains, in Britain.
Other than the fact that they drive on the same side of the road and there is a statue of Nelson in parliament square, you will be hard pushed to find similarities, in the people, culture, food, weather or surroundings.  Barbados is a beautiful tropical island, vibrant in colour, music and speech.

I have created a video series on our YouTube channel in which we share some of the beaches, restaurants and experiences of our time spent there.  I hope it to be useful for those that have never been, and encourage you to put it on your bucket list.

In case you didn't know, both Johann and I' mothers were born in Barbados, so it holds a place in our souls and is a place I call home as I lived there during my tear-away teens, when I was sent to 'find myself'.  I did, just that although it took many years after my return to the Uk, to realise what I had found.  Returning there is always a beautifully grounding experience, a reset to 0, one that I am quite happy to share.

Tomboy -x-

Please read the posts from our last trip here >>>>Barbados travel

p.s just by fortunate chance and a good case proving that our children mimic us.  The two pictures below were not staged and taken 6 years apart!  The first was Alexander aged 4, the second is Zach aged 7 😍 How things change, but oh how much they stay the same...

Photo Credit, Anita Whittaker, taken on Gibbs Beach, St Peter, Barbados 2019

Photo Credit, Anita Whittaker, taken on a Catamaran on the sea on the West Coast of Barbados 2013

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