Do I start to write here again, will you read it? The blow up of spaces like Instagram and TikTok is a huge push in the direction of quick watch. Is blogging DEAD? I remember when studying journalism in 2005, we were told print journalism is dead, blogging was the way forward, but do people actually read anymore, and do I have enough to say to be consistent and put out regular content.
I swear I ask this question every few years!😅
I am ever growing, ever questioning and ever analysing. It is who I am and will always be. My ramblings may die away in the deep dark corners of the internet or.... there is a record of my life, in part accessible for all time, or at least until the next phase of the earth where all changes and the internet is relegated to an urban myth.
So.... an update, for those who are mildly interested in seeing inside some strangers brain and life for a moment.
Half of the boys are now men. Sal is 27 almost 28, in fact I've been saying he is 28 for the past 6 months and was totally convinced that he was. Does anyone else, rising 50, have this affliction? He takes total offence (of course, I'm sure the requirement of our children is to be offended by EVERYTHING) in my adding a year closer to 30, but not as much as when I forget his name and call him every siblings name until I get it right! Now that I KNOW happens to everyone!
Louie is now a 19 year old not so 'mini' fashionisto, producer, actor, model, internet journalist and academic. This is all information I receive through the wall when he is talking to work or friends, as most of our actual communication is done through between the teeth grunts, I'm often treated like a whistleblower and all juicy information comes to me after it is public to all. Sorry no scoops here.